Nuova release per BlueGriffon, editor WYSIWYG per file in formato HTML che mira al ruolo di successore di Nvu (nonché di KompoZer) e ultimamente procede in maniera spedita verso quest’obiettivo. negli ultimi mesi ha implementato il supporto a numerose tecnologie del web, come HTML5, CSS3 e il suo editor di sorgente è basato sul progetto Bespin di Mozilla.
Grazie a BlueGriffon avremo a disposizione:
- controlli per creare sfondi e poi gradienti colorati via CSS3
- la possibilità di fare editing dei file vettoriali SVG, incorporando il codice dell’add-on SVGEdit
- una finestra di dialogo per impostare in maniera semplice e interattiva le opzioni del tag <video> dell’HTML5
- un’interfaccia per scrivere equazioni in ASCII e vederle trasformate in MathML sulla pagina web
- context menu's appearance was horked on windows classic theme
- goto link in context menu
- reflect DOM Explorer's selected element into wysiwyg vie
- don't allow Undo in source view to remove initial source
- default 300x600 size for dom explorer and css properties panels
- rulers were adding to the style attribute instead of using a txn
- fix for the editor factory error in Bespin
- editable DOM Explorer
- context menu in DOM Explorer
- build architecture for L10N
- zh-CN locale
- html5 element insertion menu
- support for img's longdesc attribute
- make Textarea Insertion and Button Insertion dialogs play nicely with selection
- accelerators for bold/italic/underline/code
- unescape filenames in SaveAs dialog
- copying links was not copying href !
- don't open table properties dialog when selection is not collapsed on double-click
- 'rem' and 'ch' units in CSS Properties panel
- hide structurebar in sourceview
- Copy HTML markup for the selection or a selected element in structurebar
- tabs position was not working on win/lin
- findbar in both wysiwyg and source views
- better theme for wysiwyg/source buttons on win and lin
- spell checking (support for dictionnaries, etc.) in context menu
- editor was horked if parser error in XHTML source view
- about:config in prefs and buildconfig in about
- parsing gradients chokes when vert position appears before horiz position
- Page Properties dialog
- allow user to position tabs in tabeditor through a new pref
- reflect natural ratio changes for images in css properties panel
- Repeating gradients, webkit- and gecko-style
- Help menu
- Table options in main contextual menu

Per installare/avviare BlueGriffon 0.9 Rc1 su Linux, Mac e Windows in QUESTA pagina troveremo i link per il download
Ringrazio Altred per la segnalazione