E' stata da poco rilasciata la nuova versione di Ati Catalyst 10.8 la quale porta con sé numerose novità, oltre che dal punto di vista prestazionale anche dal lato del supporto all’ultima release stabile del kernel Linux e di Xorg.
Ecco le novità del nuovo ATI Radeon Linux Display Drivers 10.8:
· Support for New Linux Operating Systems
· OpenGL ES 2.0 support
· SLED/SLES 11 SP1 production support
· ATI CatalystTM 10.8 delivers full support for OpenGL ES 2.0 specification
· Enables 3D accelerated graphics within a web browser that supports OpenGL ES 2.0
· Supported on Linux distributions
Resolved Issues:
· The following section provides a brief description of resolved issues with the latest
version of the ATI CatalystTM Linux software suite. These include:
· Disabling the primary display in clone/dual-head mode no longer causes Catalyst
· Control CenterTM not to launch properly after X restart
· Desktop arrangement area no longer appears empty when Catalyst Control CenterTM
· is relaunched after disabling or hot-unplugging the secondary display
· X-server no longer fails when launching fullscreen OpenGL application with
· CrossFireTM enabled and secondary display selected for accelerated display
· Catalyst Control CenterTM will now launch properly under a 2 Gemini ATI RadeonTM
· HD 5900 Series multi-adapter configuration
· "Glxgears/fgl_glxgears" full screen application no longer remain on the desktop after
· they are closed using X button
· 6% performance drop is no longer observed while running fgl_glxgears and glxgears
· on specific cards
Per installare Ati Catalyst 10.8 su Ubuntu Lucid basta avviare il terminale e scrivere:
Per Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid i386
wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/964512/aticatalist10_8_i386.sh
chmod +x aticatalist10_8_i386.sh
Per Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid amd64
wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/964512/aticatalist10_8_amd64.sh
chmod +x aticatalist10_8_amd64.sh
wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/964512/aticatalist10_8_i386.sh
chmod +x aticatalist10_8_i386.sh
Per Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid amd64
wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/964512/aticatalist10_8_amd64.sh
chmod +x aticatalist10_8_amd64.sh
e confermare al termine riavviare la nostra Distribuzione